As a lobbyist, Jordan Lane Gilmore has and continues to advocated for clean energy and water sector growth in California, New England and the Gulf States.
Mr. Gilmore’s early work in LA & DC politics led to an apprenticeship under energy economists and policy executives, which provided a discipline in pragmatic approaches to energy development and clean energy growth. He then received his master’s from Harvard Graduate School to focus on the hard sciences and in field clean energy deployment across the country. This expertise would only fuel and tool his efforts as an advocate on the state and federal level in the United States, as well as cofound cleantech enterprises that continue to grow today.
Photo: First Wind | Mars Hill, Maine
As a policy advisory to the New England Clean Energy Council (NECEC), Jordan Lane Gilmore designed and coordinated a number of educational and policy outreach initiatives, many that showcased the “breadth and depth of companies and technologies growing in the clean-tech sector”.
For the featured video above, Mr. Gilmore partnered with the MassCEC to produce a program that would be used for NECEC advocacy to policy makers (administrations and legislatures) in the Northeastern states of the US.
This event and the advocacy to follow and driven by the NECEC (in partnership with Conservation Law Foundation) were credited largely for the preservation of the Green Communities Act, which at the time was being challenged in the state legislature, effectively signaling a roll-back of incentives and programs across the region.

As part of his early energy R&D work in the Gulf states (at the Center for Energy Studies), Jordan Lane Gilmore became a member the International Association for Energy Economics. Under the mentorship of economist, Dr. David Dismukes, he conducted analysis of Oil & Gas infrastructure, advised administration and agency heads on emerging technology development and coordinated international conference (US IAEE, CES) program content.

As part of his start-up advisory services and in particular interest to see the clean tech ecosystem grow, Jordan Lane Gilmore serves as a judge and early-stage investor for conferences, competitions and venture pitch events focused on cleantech and water tech.
Image: Clean Tech Open Northeast

Jordan Lane Gilmore is an independent lobbyist who counsels a number of energy and water production companies operating in New England, California, and Gulf states.
SREC Trade is a California based company with interest in the outcome of legislation in New England that might determine the growth opportunity for Solar REC trading. This is one example of the wide ranging assortment of companies that are party to the Clean Energy Council ecosystem.
Photo: SREC Trade

Eurinpro SRL is a global management consulting firm that serves a broad mix of private, public and social sector institutions in Europe. The firm supports capital projects, land & natural resource management, infrastructure and rural development investment programmes, environmental tech development, social benefit programmes, block chain ventures and more.
Eurinpro is also presently pioneering asset-based consulting in frontier markets, particularly with capital projects that optimize the mixed-use of rural lands in Romania, such as energy and agricultural projects. Jordan Lane Gilmore tends to focus on those projects where water technology, such as smart irrigation solutions, can help create closed-loop systems.

Jordan Lane Gilmore served as an advisor to management at the Clean Tech Open Northeast during its transition & merger with the Clean Energy Council.

During his time at both the Center for Energy Studies and the Clean Energy Council, Jordan Lane Gilmore curated and coordinated conferences, forums and expositions to promote the growth of the Alternative Energy industry. The tech showcase, dialogue and relationship development here would prove valuable to clean energy trade growth.

Jordan Lane Gilmore was a research analyst on grant-funded and internally funded projects, which include but are not limited to literature reviews, development of policy analysis, and quantitative analysis. He also assisted in the Center's communications and external affairs, with particular outreach to legislative bodies and trade associations.
Mr. Gilmore has coordinated site visits for Minerals Management Service personnel to oil and gas infrastructure facilities along the Gulf Coast and conducted follow-up reporting and reviews of the facilities' operations and impacts on the economy.

Green House Gas Study (Sample), of which Jordan Lane Gilmore was a contributor.